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  • Updated:2016-06-03 20:13:00
  • Views:1352
  • Borrower:Homesick mum stranded
  • Location:Brisbane, Queensland
  • Need Amount:$400
  • Collateral:None
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To:Homesick mum stranded
who just call me?
A friend nagged for a month to shout a return flight to Melbourne to relax and catch up after two strokes and moving my kids said they would babysit my twin 3yr olds cause I deserve itfinally I agreed but whilst at my friend's I noticed my friend going through my stuff I asked why and she just told me to get out find my own way back to Brisbane I found somewhere to stay a couple nights but couldn't book a flight as my so called friend took the only money I had along with my sons birthday present which was 240 dollar pair of runners i saved for and now I'm stuck in Melbourne with no money no food and I'm sooo lost and upset I don't know what to do please I just want to get home to my baby girls and to celebrate my son's 15th birthday which is tomorrow all upmy journey is about300

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